Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pastor David Reeves Preaching Away

Pastor David Reeves

Revival at Pastor John's church

New Classrooms

Ta da!!!!
Sorry about the ol' fence surrounding the property, but this is such a good view.
The building in upper right corner is the new latrines.
Tell me they are not just the cutest little people!!!
Ages 3 yrs to 4th grade now attend in these classrooms
The workers did most of the work in evenings because children
were present during the days.  Here is a riddle for you to ponder....
Will you be our Guest at Children Are People School?

Pastor Tabby's Surgery

Day 1
Day 2
Pastor David Reeves from Oxford, Mississippi arrived the day of the surgery.
That was not planned, just how it worked out.  What an encouragement he was to
John and Tabby.  Priceless!
Day 3
Day 4
Two herniated discs repaired

Pastor Davidson's New House

Pastor Davidson's new house with new tin roof
This one shouldn't leak for awhile!
Pastor Davidson's wife, Janerose, and son, Tony
Fashioned from mud over timbers, built by hand
Hope to get glass in those windows soon